Hi Friends!

Many of you don't hear from me much and never on a blog like this! Over the years I have been doing my lampwork bead creations in between raising my 4 young kids. Now that my kids are older, I can breathe just a little bit more and even though I am still in the mist of raising 4 outstanding human beings, I am ready to start spending more time on lampworking!

In case you are not familiar with the term lampworking you can go to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lampworking and check out the history behind making beads!

So now back to the title of this post "Working on new creations". I have lots of ideas swirling around in my head. One of them is to start making some completed jewelry pieces. I am starting out with some bracelets that I am currently working on. I don't have any pics yet but stay tuned for some in the near future :)